Perceptual & Technique development program
Entry Level age 4 to 10
Class 45 mins once a week
1:4 ratio
Paid by per term per session
Objectives to develop perceptual motor skills, movement, balance and tennis stroke understanding
Young Gunns Development program
Entry level 6-8 years
Class 1 hour twice a week
Ratio 1:4
Paid per term per week
Objectives to develop perceptual motor skills, movement, balance and tennis stroke technique. This program is also to introduce tennis movement, rally and point play skills will include High performance mentors to assist development quickly.
Club Player program
Entry level age 6 to 18
Class one hour once a week
1:5 ratio
Paid per term per session
Objectives to get players to competitive point play and match competition standard. To develop technique and game play
Dual Trainer
Club playing Junior tennis players
Classes are one and half hours Twice a week

1:6 ratio
Paid per term per week
Objectives to devlop tennis game understanding, work on technique and tactical plays.
Lots of hitting and drills.
These programs are for players wanting to excel in tennis. Players in this program can obtain Sponsorship towards training expenses and travel.
Objectives of these programs, is geared towards National and International development. All programs have athlete training diary and tournament periodization planner. Movement, fitness, flexability and understanding point construction and being competitive are all big parts of this program.
The Coaches work to Build rapport with the players by using empathetic listening and understanding, and sharing common goals and beliefs that will help create a “Performance Culture”.
A Performance Culture is what creates athletes to excel.
Programs directed Under High Performance coach Tum Rakete and Greg Gunn
Young Gunns Performance program
Entry level 6-12
Class 1 and half hours 3 days per week (plus 1 Sunday each month) Plus one fitness morning session per week day of choice
Only 8 players accepted into this program
Objectives to develop an elite training environment and correct training practice. Create an atmosphere of commitment, hard work and effort in which the climate is geared towards performance, co-operation and achieving the best each player can be.
Paid per week direct debit per week
Performance program
Entry level 8-14
Class 1 and half hours 3 days per week (plus 1 Sunday each month) Plus one fitness morning session per week day of choice
Only 6 players accepted into this program
Objectives to develop an elite training environment and correct training practice. Create an atmosphere of commitment, hard work and effort in which the climate is geared towards performance, co-operation and achieving the best each player can be.
Paid per week direct debit per week smaller ratio and will work with our High performance athletes.
High performance athlete development program
Entry Level: must be invited by High performance coaching staff
Geared towards National and International play.
Working on High performance training values and commitment.
Program is Full time at Coach discretion, includes fitness, stretch, tournament review and strength and conditioning program. Technique video analysis done quartly and reviewed with player.
Paid per week direct debit $to be discussed with parents and developed to meet athlete needs.
Players can obtain Scholarships to this program. ( criteria to be met)
Available to the athlete 3 speacialized fitness morning sessions per week 7-8am
Private and Semi-Private lessons
For these please contact Gunn Tennis and they can be arranged. Any program can by supplemented with Private sessions at parents or coach request.
Contact Gunn tennis 0418836647 or email